Hone Taukiri and Acacia O’Connor present

Hone Taukiri and Acacia O’Connor present

Māori Krishna and AltarNative

Auckland Auckland
Wednesday to:
26 Mar
29 Mar


80 Onehunga Mall, Onehunga, Auckland

Adult themes, Strobing, suitable for children 10 and older

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On sale in: {{ showing.Timer.Days }} {{ showing.Timer.Days == 1 && 'Day' || 'Days' }} {{ showing.Timer.Hours }} {{ showing.Timer.Hours == 1 && 'Hour' || 'Hours' }} {{ showing.Timer.Minutes }} {{ showing.Timer.Minutes == 1 && 'Minute' || 'Minutes' }} {{ showing.Timer.Seconds }} {{ showing.Timer.Seconds == 1 && 'Second' || 'Seconds' }}
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EARLYBIRD Available until 28th February 2025


OMNIVORES' SHARING PLATTER (GF) Salami, cheeses, caramelised onion spread, olives, gherkins, stuffed peppers, pickled onions, dried apricots, walnuts, rice crackers *pre-order only*
VEGETARIAN SHARING PLATTER (GF, V) Cheeses, caramelised onion spread, olives, gherkins, stuffed peppers, pickled onions, dried apricots, walnuts, rice crackers *pre-order only*
VEGAN SHARING PLATTER (GF, VE) Hummus, caramelised onion spread, olives, gherkins, stuffed peppers, pickled onions, dried apricots, walnuts, rice crackers *pre-order only*


Running Time: 90 minutes
Interval: 10 minutes


80 Onehunga Mall, Onehunga, Auckland


Promo Code

Pre-issued Promo Code for those who have helped pull the show together.

Payment Options

Credit Card
Bank Transfer
Online Eftpos

Delivery Options

Please note: not all delivery or payment options may be available at checkout due to compatibility with other events that may be in your cart.

Back after successful seasons at Koanga Festival and Fringe 2024, Acacia O’Connor and Hone Taukiri have realised there are so many of you ‘normies’ that still need saving.  

Have you always thought there must be something more to life? That perhaps you are stuck in a cage but you just can’t see it? You are right. And Acacia O’Connor and Hone Taukiri know the answers. So yeah, sure, they didn’t grow up in te ao Māori. But they didn’t exactly grow up in te ao Pākeha either. Between the two of them they have sampled almost everything that isn’t mainstream and as a result they are better than everyone else. They’re going to tell you exactly how in this double-bill solo show.  

Kicking off with Acacia’s story, she’ll take you through her childhood busking, traveling, trusting everyone except the government and the lizard people replacing the dullness in in your hearts with deeper truths… Until her mother dies as a teenager. Acacia will need to decide what she truly believes.  

After this tumultuous journey, Hone grounds us by asking the big questions… Who are we? How did we come to be who we are today? He tells tales of his childhood in the world of Haare Krishna on the Kāpiti Coast, guru’s, boycotts and making films even with the threat of a bronze-desert hell as the consequence. These unusual Māori kids’ stories are sometimes silly, sometimes alien and oddly heartwarming.  

See more upcoming events at Factory Theatre here!

Please note, no outside food or beverages are allowed to be brought into the venue. Water is available free of charge!



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