Bayleys Tussock Country - New Zealand's Country Music Festival
Bayleys Tussock Country - New Zealand's Country Music Festival
Bayleys Tussock Country - New Zealand's Country Music Festival
Bayleys Tussock Country - New Zealand's Country Music Festival
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Pipes and drums, rock 'n roll and country music are a special mix at The Celtic Unleashed variety concert.
This event is a variety concert fundraiser for the Hokonui Celtic Pipe Band. It’s always a sell-out show, so be in quick to get your tickets.
The band make an outstanding contribution to the Eastern Southland community, performing for the Santa Parade, concerts at the RSA, Daffodil Day and Scottish nights.
With 25 playing members, the band competes throughout New Zealand, often returning home with trophies.
Attending the concert is an opportunity for visitors and locals to support the band and their community contribution in a lively afternoon/evening of variety entertainment.
Please note the organisers of Bayleys Tussock Country Music Festival may be in touch with customers directly with more information about this and future events.