Please note: The Vagina Monologues deal with sensitive topics that some people may find challenging to see presented on stage, and language that may be confronting. We encourage our audience to exercise discretion before buying tickets for this production.
$5 from each ticket sold will be donated to a local womens charity!
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Please enter your provided Cast, Crew and Committee Discount Code to receive a total of two discounted tickets per Cast, Crew and Committee member.
Life Members are entitled to two discounted tickets per member
Please enter your provided Sponsor Discount Code to receive a total of two discounted tickets per Sponsor.
The Vagina Monologues is made up of personal monologues read by a diverse group of women. Eve Ensler wrote the first draft of the monologues in 1996 (there have been several revisions since) following interviews she conducted with 200 women about their views on sex, relationships, and violence against women. The interviews began as casual conversations with her friends, who then brought up anecdotes they themselves had been told by other friends; this began a continuing chain of referrals.
"Women's empowerment is deeply connected to their sexuality."
Please note: The Vagina Monologues deal with sensitive topics that some people may find challenging to see presented on stage, and language that may be confronting. We encourage our audience to exercise discretion before buying tickets for this production.
Wheelchair accessible seating is available upon request - please phone 0508 iTICKET (0508 484 253) to book this in directly!